The structure of a Lore application
The structure of a Lore application
This file allows you to override any of the other config settings in a way that will only affect your development machine. This file is added to the .gitignore
by default and will never be checked in.
The default config is shown below.
* Local environment settings
* This file is excluded from your project by default as part of the .gitignore
* file. Use it to override any configuration settings for any other config
* files, or to specify sensitive data that you shouldn't be committed to your
* git repo.
* Use this file to specify configuration settings for use while developing
* the app on your personal system.
* These settings take precedence over all other config files, including those
* in the env/ subfolder.
export default {
* This file will override other config settings based on the environment
// actions: {
// normalize: true
// },
// connections: {
// default: {
// apiRoot: ''
// }
// }
To use this file, simply provide a key named after the file you want to override. So if you wanted to override the default headers sent to the default
API connection, so that it always sends a specific JWT token, you just need to provide a key named connections
and then describe the config modifications you want to make.
module.exports = {
connections: {
default: {
headers: function() {
return {
Authorization: 'JWT super-secret-hard-coded-auth-token'