
Key features that make up the main value proposition for Lore


Lore is an opinionated convention-driven framework designed to make it easier to build browser-based React applications that consume data from one or more REST APIs.

The framework is designed to be approachable for less experienced developers, by reducing the time and knowledge required to build those kinds of applications, while using an architecture that supports the feature set and concerns that applications often need as they become larger and more complex over time.

Lore's goal is to provide a mature and easy-to-use architectural foundation that enables you to spend more of your time building features that provide unique user value, and less time spent simply "just getting things to work".

Respectfully Opinionated

Lore describes itself as "respectfully opinionated".

While "unopinionated software" can provide a great foundation to build on (and largely describes the types of libraries that Lore is composed of), at some point software has to have opinions before it can solve problems.

So the "opinionated" part is what gives Lore its value, and allows the framework to provide built-in solutions to many front-end challenges such as data fetching, caching, pagination, error handling and more.

The "respectfully" part describes how Lore does that:

  • Conventions: the opinions in Lore are expressed through conventions, and reflect the things that are generally true for most applications. They exist to save you time by removing boilerplate, and not asking you to create code and functionality you'll likely need anyway.
  • Configuration: the configuration files in Lore allow you to modify the conventions, or take control of the framework when needed in order to adapt it to your specific needs. The config files can also be overridden on a per-environment basis, meaning you can have different configurations for development, production, etc.
  • Hooks: finally, all of the functionality in Lore, including the conventions and configuration, are implemented as a series of plugins called hooks. This means that you'll never need to fork the repo or submit a PR to change Lore's behavior; you can modify the behavior in place in your own project, simply be redefining the hook, and can also create new hooks to drastically change how the framework behaves.

Lore is designed with an understanding that things change over time, and so while the framework may express certain opinions and assumptions, it also understands that you may have different opinions and have very good reasons for wanting to follow them.

Therefore, Lore will always strive to express it's opinions as conventions only, and the architecture and documentation will continually strive to make it easier to override or replace them should you want to.

Core Libraries

While Lore generally strives to be flexible about it's opinions, there are certain libraries and concepts that are fairly foundational within those opinions, and may require a high level of effort in order to break away from.

The core libraries that make up the foundation of Lore are React, Redux, React Router, Webpack, and Axios.

Generally speaking, the more comfortable you are with these libraries, then the more the framework should make sense, as it's largely just patterns and conventions built around them.

You can learn more about how Lore uses each of these libraries by clicking the respective link in the "Core Libraries" section in the navigation on the right.

Data Structure

React applications are simplest when they're data-driven, which means that the data passed through your application is self-describing.

In order to do that, the data needs to not only include the attributes of the resource(s) it represents, but also the context surrounding them, such as whether that data is being created, fetched, updated, or was the result of an operation that returned an error from the API.

The two main data structures Lore uses are called models, which represent a single resource, and a collection, which represents a collection of resources of the same type.

You can learn more about the data structure Lore uses for each of these types, and how it addresses that need by clicking the respective link in the "Data Structure" section of the navigation on the right.

UI Patterns

Lore's focus is the development of browser-based web applications, and one of the metrics by which it measures its success is the number and type of experiences it can easily accommodate. It's also the easiest way to demonstrate what the framework is capable of, by showcasing how to construct or solve common application needs.

You can learn more about each of the primary patterns Lore was built to support by clicking the respective link in the "UI Patterns" section of the navigation on the right.


While we touched on this a bit already, it's worth restating that Lore is designed to be extensible not as an add-on, but as a foundational element of it's architecture. Nearly everything the framework does is provided as a customizable plugin, and you can create, add, or remove those plugins as you'd like.

Lore also includes a CLI that provides a number of commands that make certain aspects of development more convenient, and the CLI follows that same principle.

Not only is the CLI itself also implemented as a series of plugins, but you can create, add and remove commands yourself in order to tailor the behavior of the CLI to your project, and all without ever needing to fork the repo or submit a PR.