Creates a set of actions for each model using blueprints
Creates a set of actions for each model using blueprints
The destroy
The default implementation looks like this:
import { ActionTypes, PayloadStates } from 'lore-utils';
import normalize from '../normalize';
export default function(modelName, models, lore) {
const Model = models[modelName];
return {
blueprint: 'destroy',
model: Model,
optimistic: {
actionType: ActionTypes.update(modelName),
payloadState: PayloadStates.DELETING
onSuccess: {
actionType: ActionTypes.update(modelName),
payloadState: PayloadStates.DELETED
onError: {
actionType: ActionTypes.update(modelName),
payloadState: PayloadStates.ERROR_DELETING
onNotFound: {
actionType: ActionTypes.update(modelName),
payloadState: PayloadStates.NOT_FOUND
normalize: {
// look through the model and generate actions for any attributes with
// nested data that should be normalized
getActions: function(model) {
return normalize(lore, modelName).model(model);
// dispatch any actions created from normalizing nested data
dispatchActions: function(actions, dispatch) {
/* eslint consistent-return: "off" */
import _ from 'lodash';
import { defaultOptions, validatePartialPairs } from '../utils';
* Blueprint for Destroy method
export default function(opts = {}) {
// clone the options so we don't unintentionally modify them
let options = _.cloneDeep(opts);
options = _.defaultsDeep(options, defaultOptions);
if (!options.model) {
throw new Error('Must specify a model');
const Model = options.model;
return function destroy(model) {
return function(dispatch) {
const proxyModel = new Model(model.data);
proxyModel.destroy().then(function() {
if (options.onSuccess) {
let actions = [];
if (options.normalize && options.normalize.getActions) {
// look through the model and generate actions for any attributes with
// nested data that should be normalized
actions = options.normalize.getActions(proxyModel);
type: options.onSuccess.actionType,
payload: _.merge(model, {
state: options.onSuccess.payloadState
if (options.normalize && options.normalize.dispatchActions) {
// dispatch any actions created from normalizing nested data
options.normalize.dispatchActions(actions, dispatch);
}).catch(function(response) {
const error = response.data;
if (response.status === 404) {
if (options.onNotFound) {
if (options.onNotFound.beforeDispatch) {
options.onNotFound.beforeDispatch(response, [model]);
type: options.onNotFound.actionType,
payload: _.merge(model, {
state: options.onNotFound.payloadState,
error: error
} else if (options.onError) {
if (options.onError.beforeDispatch) {
options.onError.beforeDispatch(response, [model]);
type: options.onError.actionType,
payload: _.merge(model, {
state: options.onError.payloadState,
error: error
if (options.optimistic) {
return dispatch({
type: options.optimistic.actionType,
payload: _.merge(model, {
state: options.optimistic.payloadState